Design. Compute. Innovate.

Econometric modeling and computation, scripting and simulation.

Advanced Research Services

Research advisory services across the research lifecycle.

Research Design

Guidance on and assistance with developing an econometric research design that meets the research objectives.

Data Collection and Acquisition

Guidance on collecting and acquiring data for research, especially data on human subjects.

Compliant Data Storage and Processing

Assistance with selecting appropriate storage and processing systems for sensitive research data.

Programming and Research Implementation

Programming support and guidance on data manipulation, methods application, and technical implementation.

Reporting and visualization

Assistance with results interpretation, presentation, and visualization.

Research Technologies

Guidance on research software tools and services, including emerging technologies.


Over 20 years of experience in conducting research, research consulting and academic research support.

Research Consulting

Consulted with national and supranational governments, non-profit, and for-profit entities.

Academic Consulting

Supported faculty, doctoral students, and post-doctoral fellows at leading universities in the US.